



1、 Customer's account is in good standing and there have been no violations of entire Terms of Services 。一句话来讲就是,你没有违反搬瓦工的TOS。文章源自搬瓦工-https://www.bwhcn.com/1669.html

2、None of the payments have been previously or currently disputed or charged back 。是指你没有争议或者拒付(这条主要是PayPal和信用卡支付的用户)。文章源自搬瓦工-https://www.bwhcn.com/1669.html

3、None of the IPs assigned to client's services are on any Black/Block list, and none of the IPs were previously replaced by us for free due to blacklisting。一句话总结,你的IP没有被列入黑名单(没有被强)。文章源自搬瓦工-https://www.bwhcn.com/1669.html

4、Monthly data transfer usage is under 10% of monthly quota。流量使用没有超过月流量的10%。文章源自搬瓦工-https://www.bwhcn.com/1669.html

5、The number of services (active or cancelled) under the account is 3 or fewer。账户内总数不超过3个服务,不论什么状态。取消的也算一个服务。文章源自搬瓦工-https://www.bwhcn.com/1669.html

6、The sum of all payments made towards the account is $60 or less and the total number of payments is 10 or fewer。账户的所有付款总额不超过60美元或,付款总次数不超过10次。文章源自搬瓦工-https://www.bwhcn.com/1669.html

7、The account was created 30 or fewer days ago。账户创建时间不超过30天,注意是创建时间,不是购买服务的时间。文章源自搬瓦工-https://www.bwhcn.com/1669.html

8、Client had not used the right to Refund under a different account。该账户的其他账户没有使用过退款权利(这个应该是针对那些一个支付方式多个账户的)。文章源自搬瓦工-https://www.bwhcn.com/1669.html




  • 本文由 admin 发表于 2019年1月29日 12:08:25
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